[Pdx-pm] The art of volunteering

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 04:13:20 PST 2007

# from Wil Cooley
# on Saturday 24 February 2007 07:50 pm:

>That reminds me... I've been thinking of doing a talk at work about
>test-driven development and testing with Perl, but I don't really have
>time to put together slides.

Hey!  I've been thinking that what pdx.pm really needs is a field trip.  
Just imagine us walking eight abreast down the hallway to deliver the 
gospel of TDD under the glare of fluorescent lights (hmm, requires a 
low camera angle and somebody wearing a snakeskin cowboy hat.)

Ok, just kidding (unless your boss is really into that sort of thing.)

Despite the apparent success of this (frayed) thread, we still need a 
victim, err topic for the March meeting.  Maybe "Show&Tell+Q&A" (aka 
"lightning talks"), but for the moment I'll maintain the posture/threat 
that the topic is "python" (or, if that doesn't scare you, "lua" (or, 
if you're not scared yet, "erlang" (alternatively, if you're still 
unafraid: "lisp!")))

You can't whack a chisel without a big wooden mallet.

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