[Pdx-pm] PostgreSQL Party July 22, 2007

Selena Deckelmann sdeckelmann at chrisking.com
Fri Apr 20 15:58:21 PDT 2007


In case you missed this back in March, Command Prompt is throwing a  
party the Sunday before OSCON. It's just meant to be a social event -  
an opportunity to meet a few speakers before the conference and drink  
some beer.

If you're interested in attending, please send a message to  
register at postgresqlparty.org with your name, email address and  
company (if applicable). This isn't a commitment - we're just trying  
to get a rough estimate on the number of people who might attend.


	From: 	  jd at commandprompt.com
	Subject: 	[ANNOUNCE] PostgreSQL Party July 22, 2007
	Date: 	March 19, 2007 4:24:46 PM PDT
	To: 	  pgsql-announce at postgresql.org

We are planning a PostgreSQL party for the weekend before OSCON in
Portland Oregon. The 22nd is a Sunday, with OSCON beginning on the 23rd
which is Monday. Although the exact venue has not been decided it will
likely be a hotel near the convention center.

We are also reaching out to other communities, such as Python, Django,
PHP, LedgerSMB etc... If you are a FOSS member with ties to a community
that utilizes or supports our database, you are invited!

Some outstanding questions:

1. Should there be food?
2. Should there be entertainment of the liquid adult variety?
3. Should there be music?

Or do people just want to basically chill, and talk with some other
great people about the best FOSS database that exists?

If you are interested in attending please submit an RSVP to:

register at postgresqlparty.org

Full Name
Company (if you are representing)

Would be appreciated.


Joshua D. Drake

P.S. There might be a nominal door charge (5.00) to help offset costs
any excess would of course be donated directly to the PostgreSQL  


       === The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
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