[Pdx-pm] July meeting

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 10:19:47 PDT 2006

Hi all,

The July meeting would typically be two weeks from tonight.  We could:

  a:  do it
  b:  meet the week(end?) before OSCON
  c:  meet during OSCON
  d:  1 or more of the above

I've talked to a couple of people about live code reviews and/or 
hackfests.  This would be the likely "topic" for (a).

The review/hackfest prospects are:

  1.  fut - an IPTables rule daemon
  2.  Device::SerialPort - SerialPort functions.

If there's interest in a hackfest, I'll let the authors get involved in 
the discussion.  My take is that the focus would be on:

    a test plan for network/firewall code
    structural/coding practice review/suggestions
    Testing hardware-interaction code.
    Make cpan install work.

As for (b), (c), and/or (d) -- you get to propose and/or contact the 
visiting dignitary of your choice.

I believe there might be one or two among us who will be speaking at 
OSCON and would like to make a trial-run of (b).  Given the success of 
last Saturday's meeting, weekends appear to be at least somewhat 

But as soon as you hear the Doppler shift dropping in pitch, you know
that they're probably going to miss your house, because if they were on
a collision course with your house, the pitch would stay the same until
impact. As I said, that's one's subtle.
--Larry Wall

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