[Pdx-pm] Shirts and a Special Meeting at 6:53pm Monday, July 24th

Seven till Seven scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 20:03:57 PDT 2006

  Monday, July 24th 6:53pm at FreeGeek, 1741 SE 10th Ave


  Perl.org -- what it is, does, has and how you can help.

We've invited Robert Spier, the White Camel Award-winning
co-administrator of perl.org to speak to us on Monday.  Robert is 
likely very busy and the current word on this talk is "... and no 
promises..." so we'll just have to see what happens.

Please bring any questions you have about the services, hardware, 
backers, and administration of perl.org.  Robert is swamped with other 
OSCON activity and I don't believe that he will have prepared a 

There may or may not be a guest speaker, but there will certainly be 
a meeting.  I think if we combine the Heisenberg uncertainty principle 
with energy-matter conservation and add beer that we'll come up with 
something like "meetings cannot be created or destroyed, but can be 
moved to bars and there might be a cat in the box in 
either case."

If anyone can help ferry out-of-town guests from the convention center, 
please let me know (or better yet, volunteer to coordinate the ferry 

Who wants to stand outside rooms 255 and 256 at the convention center 
with a sign ("Ask me about pdx.pm") at around 4:45?

When is the final dress rehearsal for module science theatre 3000?

And, supposedly couriers all over the country are scrambling to round-up 
and deliver nine large shirtblanks to Northeast Portland at around 11am 
tomorrow.  Thus, we will have shirts available on Monday night.  Bring 
$25 cash (or a check made-out to me) and make sure to tell me whether 
you had reserved a shirt so I can check you off.

If you haven't yet reserved a shirt (and gotten a confirmation), please 
send your YAML ASAP or you may have to wait until we print more.  I did 
order some extra, but more reservations have come in since then.


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