[Pdx-pm] April Meeting

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 10:44:37 PDT 2006

# from Josh Heumann
# on Monday 03 April 2006 02:42 pm:

>April Meeting
>April 12th, 6:30pm at Free Geek, 1741 SE 10th Ave

Just a reminder to everyone that this is tonight.


>    * general meeting topics
>    * meeting location
>    * the impending OSCamp
>    * a new leader

Your homework assignment is to bring one or more topics from your 
wishlist for presentations, workshops, or discussions.

Anyone not present will be randomly assigned a topic to present.

Josh's assignment is to phone-in a list of issues/responsibilities that 
a new president will need to consider.

Others who are occupied with refraining from bread should also phone-in 
some suggestions.  Maybe we should have an IRC channel active during 
the meeting?

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
--Murphy's Corollary

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