[Pdx-pm] FreeGeek coders?

Dennis McNulty dennis at giantfir.com
Mon Feb 16 23:14:32 CST 2004

I'm not able to come to the Monger meetings, since I'm always tied up on 
Wednesdays.   I went down to FreeGeek to take the Noon tour on the 
Saturday before the last Monger mtg.   There were no coders there, and 
the tour was conducted by the king of recycling.  At the end of the 
tour, the lady at the constantly-ringing phone took my name for future 
volunteer coding, but said to call about a week ahead of my first work 
session, ostensibly to interview a coding project leader and to set up a 
work schedule.  The volunteers where going in and out at all times.  
They seem to communicate best by phone, so I'd recommend contacting them 
that way (503-232-9350).  They're open 11AM - 7PM Tue - Sat. 

-  Dennis McNulty

Josh Heumann wrote:

>> I previously sent an email to volunteers at freegeek, but haven't
>> received a response and since we have our meetings at freegeek, I was
>> hoping someone might know more about volunteering as a coder? Do they
>> have meetings, who should I talk to, etc..
> You might try sending an email to coders at lists.freegeek.org. It's not the
> most active list, but there will at least be someone there willing to
> point you in the right direction.
> Josh
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