[Pdx-pm] Re: [PLUG] Requium for HB 2802

david pool dpool at hevanet.com
Sun May 25 11:41:05 CDT 2003

Rich Shepard wrote:

>  In today's "Oregonian", Steve Duin's column skewers Karen Minnis for
>killing HB 2892. 
Hee hee. This is fun. Mr. Duin does a great job pointing out that Minnis 
personally killed this thing while mouthing the words of the lobbyists 
and betraying her own party's values of fiscal conservativism. Nice. 
Here's the link:


We're not done with this thing yet. If you've got the time jot a quick 
note to your state senator with the above link, do it. Even if they've 
already heard from you once. The senate actually has the power to move 
this forward. This would be especially helpful if you live in Kate 
Brown's Portland district, as the democratic leader, she could make a 
big difference.

Brown.Sen at state.or.us

Please pardon the cross posting to a few lists. Perlmongers are asked to 
direct discussion to the MOSS list so as to keep that low-volume list on 

david pool

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