[oak perl] So long, fare well, bye bye...

Craig McLaughlin cpm at bitbucket.com
Wed Jul 14 12:06:06 CDT 2004

All --

Well, I never did manage to make it to a meeting (bad me), but at least I 
got to meet a few of you at JavaOne last year (I think that's where it 
was... I went to so many cons I've lost track)...

My wife and I are relocating to the Portland, OR area in a couple of 
weeks, so I'll be shifting my perling dervish activities northwards to the 
tune of 677 miles as the Hybrid drives.

I'll likely remain on the list, and I promise that if I ever do anything 
cool that isn't coded so badly as to be an embarassment, I'll share. :)

Best wishes,

Craig McLaughlin  /  cpm at bitbucket.com  /  Who, me?

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