[niederrhein.pm] Perl with booth ("assembly") at 35C3 (35th CCC) in Leipzig, 27-30 december 2018

Jens Rehsack rehsack at googlemail.com
Mo Dez 10 00:11:05 PST 2018

> Am 09.12.2018 um 22:08 schrieb Wendy G.A. van Dijk <nl.pm at wendy.org>:
> Perl will be represented at 35C3 (the 35th CCC, schedule: https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2018/Fahrplan/ ) in Leipzig from 27-30 December 2018, because Daniel Boehmer sent in a proposal for a Perl Assembly, and it got accepted.
> https://signup.c3assemblies.de/assembly/acedf063-aa69-4463-bd04-1f57b774da8a
> Daniel tells me it is a bit late to get tickets (I would need somebody who still has vouchers, and book a hotel, and it all would be difficult).  So, we are discussing that I send him a box with swag (stickers, buttons, brochures, etc).  Or give the box to somebody who is going to CCC in Leipzig.
> So: anybody near me going?  Dutch / German / Belgian people?
> Greetz,
> Wendy van Dijk

We're close to a week after - in Köthen, so we probably could bring sth. back.

Jens Rehsack - rehsack at gmail.com

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