[Mpls-pm] MIME::Base64 on Windows

James Ludlow jamesludlow at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 7 14:35:17 CDT 2004

I ran your code on Windows XP (SP1) and it worked fine. I had both "MIME" 
lines uncommented.  The only other thing I changed was the directory I was 
trying to use.

use MIME::Base64 ();
use MIME::Base64;

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n\nboo<BR><BR>\n\n";

foreach $x (@INC){print "$x<BR>\n";}

opendir(LIB,"C:/tmp/apm") or die "cant open lib\n";
@list = readdir LIB;
closedir LIB;
foreach $x (@list){print "$x<BR>\n";}

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Binary build 809 provided by ActiveState Corp. http://www.ActiveState.com
ActiveState is a division of Sophos.
Built Feb  3 2004 00:28:51

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At 01:09 PM 6/7/2004 -0500, Gypsy Rogers wrote:

>Let me start this email by saying I NEVER code for windows
>with PERL I live my live in a real shell on real operating
>systems so this frustrates me a little.....
>I have a simple script (below) that when I try to use
>MIME::Base64 it just spins forever and eventually times
>out. It does not throw an error. Just wondering if any of
>you have run across this same issue with this module before
>or any other issues when trying to use modules on Windows.
>Script as follows:
>-----------------cut here---------------------
>#use MIME::Base64 ();
>#use MIME::Base64;
>print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n\nboo<BR><BR>\n\n";
>foreach $x (@INC){print "$x<BR>\n";}
>opendir(LIB,"D:/perl/lib/MIME") or die "cant open lib\n";
>@list = readdir LIB;
>closedir LIB;
>foreach $x (@list){print "$x<BR>\n";}
>---------------------cut here----------------------
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