[Mpls-pm] MIME::Base64 on Windows

Gypsy Rogers gypsy at freeq.com
Mon Jun 7 13:09:28 CDT 2004

Let me start this email by saying I NEVER code for windows
with PERL I live my live in a real shell on real operating
systems so this frustrates me a little.....

I have a simple script (below) that when I try to use
MIME::Base64 it just spins forever and eventually times
out. It does not throw an error. Just wondering if any of
you have run across this same issue with this module before
or any other issues when trying to use modules on Windows.

Script as follows:
-----------------cut here---------------------

#use MIME::Base64 ();
#use MIME::Base64;

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n\nboo<BR><BR>\n\n";

foreach $x (@INC){print "$x<BR>\n";}

opendir(LIB,"D:/perl/lib/MIME") or die "cant open lib\n";
@list = readdir LIB;
closedir LIB;
foreach $x (@list){print "$x<BR>\n";}

---------------------cut here----------------------

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