[Melbourne-pm] Command line argument processing with validation

Wesley Moore wjmoore at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 17:01:57 PDT 2007

Hi all,
In the system I work on we frequently create scripts to process a file
from one format into another. All these scripts typically start off
with something like:

    'd|data_date=s' => \( my $DATA_DATE  = undef ),
    'y|dict_root=s' => \( my $DICT_ROOT  = undef ),
    'i|input=s'       => \( my $INPUTDIR  = undef ),
    'o|output=s'    => \( my $OUTPUT     = undef ),
    'v|verbose'     => \( my $VERBOSE    = undef ),
    'h|help' => sub { pod2usage(1) },
    'm|man'  => sub { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) },
) or pod2usage(2);

if ( !defined $INPUT )     { pod2usage('No input dir specified') }
if ( !defined $DATA_DATE )  { pod2usage('No -d <datadate> option specified') }
if ( !defined $DICT_ROOT ) { pod2usage('No -y <dict_root> option specified') }
if ( !defined $OUTPUT )    { pod2usage('No -o <output> option specified') }

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a module like Params::Validate that
would all the second step - validating required options were passed to
be part of the option specification.


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