Joshua Goodall joshua at
Thu Oct 9 19:52:25 CDT 2003

Three alternatives spring to mind

i) Spread  (
   (for which I have FreeBSD and Debian packages:

ii) Tib/Rendezvous ($$$ !)

iii) PerlDSM (distributed shared memory), if you can find it.

or I'm sure it would be possible to run up a JINI/JavaSpaces adapter with
a customer protocol for other languages.

Personally I'd use spread since it's built on an academic foundation
but has a production-grade implementation, and provides some great
ordering and reliability guarantees for distributed protocols.  There's
also an OO perl binding ;)

also as a sidenote: Java J2EE does specify CORBA IIOP and RMI/IDL support.
Too many sites demanded it to be left out.

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