[kw-pm] The mod_perl Talk

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-pm at benshaw.com
Mon Jun 9 07:44:38 CDT 2003

> Installing mod_perl

To me this should be as brief as possible, as you've pointed out already.  
The documentation explains it quite well and it's not all that difficult.  
It's what you use it for that really starts making my head spin.  :-)

> Basic CGI under Apache::Registry and Apache::PerlRun

Perhaps a "Why use mod_perl for CGI?" would be beneficial too, in addition 
to "what does Apache::Registry and Apache::PerlRun do?"

> What is mod_perl?

Sounds perfect.  I didn't know there were any disadvantages to a persistent 
interpreter aside from possible memory leaks.

> Overview of Apache API and Architecture

Cool; it'll be over my head I think but if it's pertinent to the 
understanding of mod_perl, I will try to make sense :-)

> Response/Content Handlers

Groovy.  When is this talk?  I need to mark it on my calendar.

> Right now my weighting leans heavily toward explaining the API and
> writing custom handlers. Are more people interested in just speeding up
> their portable CGI code? Should I explain the traps in real detail or
> just mention they exist and say 'persistance' and 'forking' for answers?

I am mainly there for the "How to speed up my Perl CGI code" parts -- in 
particular XMLRPC, file I/O and forking external processes like fop.  I 
would love to know any pitfalls and caveats when using these things with 
mod_perl.  Also very handy would be dynamic mod_perl; I would like to use 
eval and whatever it is (I keep forgetting) to load up bits of perl and run 
them, and then free them when I need to unload/reload new changes, all 
within Perl's OO infrastructure.

> Or do we want a "How to install mod_perl in 90,000 different situations"
> talk? Heh. I can also add in configuring for multi-tier and load
> balancing, caching techniques, debugging, load testing, porting mod_perl
> modules to C, or other performance related issues if people want them.

Personally I'd be interested in hearing of them, but not more than 5 or 10 
minutes' worth, tops.  Too much variety leads to GES (Glassy-Eyed Syndrome) 
-- a nonfatal but debilitating condition where everyone listening to your 
talk tunes it out since there is too much variety and not enough interest, 
causing any interesting bits of your talk to go unnoticed.  :-)

> P.S. I appologize for any bad gammar or incoherent statements, it's
> almost 4:00am...

Get to bed then, you'll need your energy for the talk.  :-)


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