[pm-h] Perl Modules at HG

Mike Flannigan mikeflan at att.net
Sat Dec 1 08:55:40 PST 2018

No, the problem still exists.

I had a test print of file names in there, but
it is removed now.

The program needs to out text like this,
or it is not working.

*Your search was for "corticoid". *
*Found 81 matches in 48 Q&A's. *

*1) Q&A from the March, 2004 NADF newsletter: *

QUESTION: I recently "met" another Addisonian via an Internet chatroom. 
This person does not take Florinef or fludrocortisone. Shouldn't all 
people with Addison's take Florinef?

ANSWER: Almost everyone with Addison's disease (primary adrenal 
insufficiency) should take some amount of Flofinef (fludrocortisone) 
because this replaces the mineralo*corticoid* aldosterone, which is 
lacking along with cortisol in primary disease. Flofinef causes sodium 
retnetion and potassium excretion in the kidneys and helps to maintain 
blood volume and blood pressure. There is a small amount of 
mineralo*corticoid* activity in hydrocortisone, but usually not enough. 
Therefore, when Addisonians try to replace with only hydrocortisone, 
they often are forced to take too much hydrocortisone in order to keep 
blood volume up, resulting in weight gain and other features of 
cortisone excess. The dose of Florinef can vary from as little as 1/2 
tablet to as much as 3 or 4 tablets daily. People who have secondary 
adrenal insufficiency from pituitary disease or from long term steroid 
use usually do not need Florinef because they usually do not have an 
aldosterone deficiency. There are, however, some exceptions when 
Florinef is needed to maintain blood pressure and prevent potassium 


*2) Q&A from the June, 2004 NADF newsletter: *

QUESTION: I am a member of an internet message board and they have been 
talking about "corisol day curves". What are your thoughts on this 
medical procedure?

ANSWER: I have never used it in my clinical practice. It is very 
impractical to get blood studies throughout the day, the results are 
highly variable and the interpretation for adjustment of medication 
doses is questionable. I do still endorse the use of the lowest doses of 
gluco*corticoid*s that prevent adrenal insufficiency symptoms and allow 
for a good sense of well being and normalization of all the other 
clinical and laboratory features that are affected by adrenal 


On 12/1/2018 9:40 AM, Julian Brown wrote:
> So changing the shebang to #!/usr/bin/perl fixed your problem?
> Julian
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 8:56 AM Mike Flannigan <mikeflan at att.net 
> <mailto:mikeflan at att.net>> wrote:
>     Thanks Julian,
>     Using that shebang produced a 500: Internal Error
>     Before yesterday I was using
>     #!/usr/local/bin/perl
>     It worked long ago with that.
>     Now I am using
>     #!/usr/bin/perl
>     use cPanelUserConfig;
>     just because they say to use that.
>     The website is this:
>     http://www.mflan.com/cgi-bin/qa.cgi
>     Just put 'and' or 'doctor' in the search
>     window and hit Submit.  It should produce
>     a list of questions like when you click
>     on any of the bold words on the right side
>     of the page.
>     Yes, it is a cPanel server (in my opinion).
>     Mike

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