[pm-h] Perl Modules at HG

Mike Flannigan mikeflan at att.net
Sat Dec 1 04:29:04 PST 2018

A sign of the times?

I have a CGI program on HostGator that worked fine
for years.  Now it takes the form input, recreates
the webpage, but does not produce any output.  I
have this set:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
but there are no errors given.

I think it broke when they moved me to a new
server many months ago.

I notice that File::Find, which the program uses, is
not listed as an installed module.

ExtUtils::MakeMaker     7.34
File::Copy::Recursive     0.44
File::HomeDir     1.004
File::Path     2.16

and 40+ others are installed, but not File::Find.

Wouldn't that produce an error when it saw:
use File::Find in the program?

So I call up support.  1st tier couldn't handle it,
so they bumped it up to tier 2 support.  Mine is
the first call the tier 2 guy has ever had regarding
Perl modules!

When we try to install File::Find it gives error:

Ping:0.000100851058959961 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done

Ping:0.000107288360595703 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done

Ping:0.000108242034912109 (ticks) Testing connection speed to using pureperl...(using cached speed)...Done

Three usable fallback mirrors located

Fetching http://www.namesdir.com/mirrors/cpan/index.html 
(connected:0).......(request attempt 1/12)...Resolving www.namesdir.com...
(resolve attempt 1/65)... at 

Mirror Check passed for www.namesdir.com (/index.html)

Checking C compiler....Could not locate an executable "gcc" binary....Done
** Unrecoverable Error **

The C compiler is not functional and auto repair failed.

Perl module installs require a working C compiler.

Please repair the C compiler and try again.


So I wait for a C compiler expert to spring into action.
It's been less than 24 hours so far and this is very
low priority for me.  I will wait for incident number
09337722 to be resolved.


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