[pm-h] Fw: [pm_groups] TPF in Google Summer of Code!

G. Wade Johnson gwadej at anomaly.org
Sat Mar 21 17:19:03 PDT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 17:09:52 -0700
From: Eric Wilhelm <scratchcomputing at gmail.com>
To: pm_groups at pm.org
Cc: Jonathan Leto <jaleto at gmail.com>
Subject: [pm_groups] TPF in Google Summer of Code!

Hi all,

Please forward this to your local groups.

The Perl Foundation has been officially accepted into the Google Summer 
of Code 2009 program as a mentor organization!

Hopefully some of you have identified some potential students already.  
Now we need your help getting them to submit their proposals.


The student application period begins Monday, March 23rd and runs 
through April 3rd.  (Students note:  you can edit your proposal 
throughout that 11-day period -- getting it started early and talking 
to potential mentors greatly increases your chances vs throwing it over 
the wall at the deadline.)  See this page for details:


Interested students and potential mentors, please read the GSoC info on 
the Perl wiki:


If you're interested in mentoring or have a good project suggestion,
now is the time to get your info up on the wiki so students will know
about your code and where to find you.

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