[DFW.pm] Fwd: Make Perl #1 on git.io/top

John Fields wigthft at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 22:01:41 PDT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Make Perl #1 on git.io/top
Date: 	Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:03:39 -0400
From: 	Henry Van Styn via yapc <jfields.yapcna.org=spammenot.com at pm.org>
Reply-To: 	Henry Van Styn <jfields.yapcna.org=spammenot.com at pm.org>
To: 	yapc at pm.org

I don?t normally send out messages like this, but I think this is worthwhile, because it is a simple way we can promote our beloved 
Perl to the larger OSS world, even if just a little?

I came across our very own Kent Fredric?s GitHub profile today and did a double-take when I read his contrib stats:

https://github.com/kentfredric       # "Year of contributions - 21,996 total?

Without even speculating by what kind of dedication/witchcraft this number is even possible, it made me curious about stats in 
general for GitHub, and some googling turned up this page:


This is a report of the ?Most Active? 256 GitHub users. Well, not quite? The current number 1 on the list has HALF the contribs 
(kevinsawicki at ?11,430?). kentfredric doesn?t show up because of this second caveat: "Only first 1000 GitHub users according to 
the count of followers are taken. This is because of limitations of GitHub search.?

So, it seems all we need to do is have a few hundred people follow kentfredric (based on followers counts of others who did make the 
list) and the next time this report is generated, Kent, and thus Perl, will take over the number 1 slot ? and by a commanding margin 
(as it should be) ? and dethroning JavaScript.

Currently, Perl is very poorly represented, with just a handful of our luminaries showing up (with the first not coming until #40).

I?m not sure how important this report/page actually is, but, I figure, why not if it is this easy! kentnl has already quietly done 
the hard part by somehow managing to average over **60** GitHub contributions per day, every day, for at least the past 365 days. 
All we have to do it make 2 clicks of the mouse, and tell our coworkers to do the same. It seems like we can make this happen in a 
blink of an eye?


- vanstyn

Henry Van Styn
<vanstyn at cpan.org <mailto:vanstyn at cpan.org>>

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