[Chicago-talk] anyone join perlmoks?

Craig Petty fasteliteprogrammer at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 12 11:09:36 PDT 2007

I just want to meet some real perlmoks from that web

--- Andy_Bach at wiwb.uscourts.gov wrote:

> > anyone go to perlmonks,org go there at all?
> Used to be a regular but now I'm in ... er, what's
> the word? Hibernation? 
> No, more monkish .... on a retreat?
> Its (okay, be fair was ;-) a great site - there's
> lots of good back ground 
> and they answer question well. Lots and lots of
> smart folks. Yes, a few 
> cranky folks but if you get flamed for asking a
> bad/FAQ question, if you 
> can ignore the fierceness of the heat and take heed
> of the fact that you 
> probably could've done a better job at asking,
> you'll learn a lot.  Not a 
> place for thin-skinned folks but then that could be
> said about this whole 
> "Internet" thingey.
> a
> Andy Bach
> Systems Mangler
> Internet: andy_bach at wiwb.uscourts.gov
> VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932
> Occasionally, we need words we have long since
> abandoned or that have 
> abandoned us. We may be facing
>  a period in our history now when we need to
> retrieve "cacoepy" from our 
> lexical attic. "Cacoepy" is not to be 
> confused with cacology "bad choice of words." The
> antonym of "cacoepy" is 
> orthoepy "the correct pronunciation of words."
>  "Cacoepistic" is the adjective form of today's word
> and a person who 
> often mispronounces words is a "cacoepist."
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