[Chicago-talk] delete the first line in a text file.

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Fri Jul 29 23:11:35 PDT 2005

-- Richard Reina <richard at rushlogistics.com>

> Anyone know the easiest way remove the 1st line in a
> text file.  I was thinking it should be something
> like:
> upen(FILE, "text.txt");
># delete the 1st (top) line
> close(FILE);
> but I've obviously come up short.

perl -i~ -n -e 'print if $. > 1' /path/to/file;

Steven Lembark                                       85-09 90th Street
Workhorse Computing                                Woodhaven, NY 11421
lembark at wrkhors.com                                     1 888 359 3508

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