Jepri jepri at webone.com.au
Wed Oct 2 07:53:13 CDT 2002

On 2002.10.02 16:04 caroline.scerri at defence.gov.au wrote:
> Hello,
> the following is a script which goes through two directory levels of
> the current working directory, upon finding a htm or
> html extension on a file alters the line which calls
> for the cascading style sheet specified at the command line and create
> a new file which has the new
> cascading style sheet reference, also specified at the command line.
> The result (was hoping) should be an exact copy of the htm or html
> file with the altered <LINK> reference, instead i am getting a mirror
> image
> directory
> and file structure in the temporary directory, all files are of zero
> length.
> Can someone please shed some light, the way i am attempting to
> redirect STDOUT ie `open (OUT_FILE, ">>$tmp_html_file")` ,

Redirecting STDOUT is not a trivial operation.  It is usually easier to 
print into the filehandle instead, like this:
print OUT_FILE "${1}${new_css}${3}";

Note that there is no comma between the file handle and what you want 
to print.

If you don't specify a filehandle, it defaults to STDOUT.  Perl was 
seeing print STDOUT "${1}${new_css}${3}";

However the dot-stars in your regular expression could be a problem.  
The first dot-star will swallow everything else on the line, and the 
match will fail.  You should consider using \s* to catch spaces, and 
\S* to catch non-spaces.  A good post about the .* can be found at: 

>      open (OUT_FILE, ">>$tmp_html_file") or print "Couldn't create
> $tmp_html_fil
> e, Skipping: $!\n";
>      while (<FILE>)
>      {
>         if ( /(^\<LINK .*=\".*css\/)($old_css)(\".*\>)/ )
>         {
>           print "${1}${new_css}${3}";
>         }
>         else
>         {
>           print "$_";
>         }
>      }
>      close OUT_FILE;
>      close FILE;

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