[BNE-PM] What do you use Perl for?

Francis Clark fc at maths.uq.edu.au
Mon Aug 19 21:24:02 CDT 2002

ok, ok, I'll come out from under my rock.. there's been enough mail over
the last few days to convince me that there may actually be life out

Unfortunately I'm rather busy and stressed trying to finish a thesis at the
moment, otherwise I'd come along tonight and generally be a more
enthusiastic perl monger. However, I'd be interested to know how many other
silent mongers are hiding behind their terminals out there?

For my part I'm a computational biologist, and what you might call a basic
perl user, although I do some reasonablely sophisticated things with my
unsophisticated perl scripts. Mostly munging big text files, but also a
little bit of process management (breaking up course grained jobs to run
them in parallel and bringing all the results together at the end).

I suppose my weakness is that I view other peoples code as being a little
like their toothbrushes - fine for them, but I'm not going to use it
(especially if it means working out what this object oriented business
is). So, although I can write and use my own basic modules, and know that
there is this thing called CPAN out there (and something called BioPerl
also), I've never made the time to work out how useful it might be to me.
Anyone else out there like this?


Francis Clark,
General Crazy Person until thesis is done,
Advanced Computational Modeling Centre
within the Department of Mathematics,
University of Queensland,

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