[bcn-pm] bug amb until
Salvador Fandino
sfandino a yahoo.com
dim ago 23 02:46:06 PDT 2011
>From: Toni <devegades en gmail.com>
>To: barcelona-pm en pm.org
>Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 11:37 AM
>Subject: [bcn-pm] bug amb until
>Hola mongers,
>Mireu que em passa:
>$ perl -e 'do { print "hola\n" } until 1'
>OK, és el que esperava.
>$ perl -e 'print "hola\n" until 1'
>WTF! Perquè no escriu hola?
>És un bug meu o del Perl?
¡es una "feature"!
Esta documentado en perlsyn:
"The "while" and "until" modifiers have the usual ""while" loop" semantics (conditional evaluated first), except when applied to a "do"-BLOCK (or to the deprecated "do"-SUBROUTINE statement), in which case the block executes once before the conditional is evaluated."
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