[bcn-pm] [OT] Visita Stephane Ducasse

Jordi Delgado jdelgado a lsi.upc.edu
dij gen 21 10:28:12 PST 2010

Hola a tots,

D'aqui un parell de setmanes vindra l'Stephane Ducasse,
super-guru d'Smalltalk. La resta del missatge esta en angles,
que es l'anunci que he fet en diverses llistes i em fa mandra
traduir (you know, impatience, LAZINESS,...)

In a couple of weeks Stephane Ducasse (http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr)
will visit the smalltalk community in 
Barcelona, and he will teach a postgraduate course at the UPC 
(Technical University of Catalonia). Of course, if you are interested 
in Smalltalk, you are invited to attend. 

The course will take place from Monday Feb. 8th to Friday Feb. 12th 
(every day, 10am to 12am) in the Omega Building, room S216, Campus 
Nord UPC, Barcelona. 

Advanced Object-Oriented Design 

Abstract: This lecture will cover advanced design aspect of object- 
oriented programming, using concrete examples. We will think about 
what polymorphism deeply implies and its effect on application design. 
We will revisit the exact semantics of self and super and their impact 
on frameworks construction. We will present the law of demeter, 
criteria to assess inheritance versus inheritance, the difference 
interfaces that a class present, double dispatch as well as some other 
design points such as the right way to handle preferences in large 
system. We will also discuss design pattern but in a non traditional 



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