[bcn-pm] The way of the dragon

Raimon Grau raimonster a gmail.com
dic nov 19 01:04:48 PST 2008

Sacado de: https://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/ParrotRoadmap

RELEASE 17MAR2009 (PARROT 1.0) - a stable api for language implementors


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Bruno <brunorc a gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola
> Perl 6 Design Minutes del 12 de Noviembre:
> (...)
> Jerry:
>    * the first Parrot Developer Summit is this weekend
>    * for people who don't know about it, it's too late to attend
>    * there may be a dozen or so of us meeting
>    * intent is to hammer out a roadmap for 1.0
>    * lots of questions on the channel and mailing lists about when
> there will be Parrot 1.0
>    * good, I suppose
> Patrick:
>    * Christmas Eve!
> Jerry:
>    * they've given up asking about Perl 6
> Jesse:
>    * good!
> Jerry:
>    * I don't have an answer yet
>    * but our work this weekend will let us decide what we need to release 1.0
> (...)
> Puede ser que con el roadmap salga alguna fecha...
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