[bcn-pm] brian d foy i perl6

Bruno brunorcagmail.com
Dma Maig 20 03:29:43 PDT 2008


Aqui pongo mis propuestas...

2008/5/20 Francesc Guasch <frankie at etsetb.upc.edu>:
>  I don't know much about parrot. Is there something else you'd
>  like to here about?

1. What to do when your code has to evolve quickly? How to maintain
clean API, how to make decisions about the structure of classes? In
other words - Best OO Practices 4 Perl (may include some bits of
Moose, if aplicable).

2. Tie.

3. Benchmarking & Profiling for beginners.

4. How to put a module on CPAN and gain the everlasting glory.

Saludos, Bruno

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