[bcn-pm] Google employment opportunity (per a Perl hackers?)

Igor Sutton Lopes igor.suttonagmail.com
Diu Mar 11 05:57:06 PDT 2007


I also received one message like that, but from another person. As  
far I see, Google is looking for Perl people to fill their roles. I  
answered the mail and got a phone interview with them.

Ah, sorry not responding this message in Catalan, that's because I  
don't really know how to write that, but reading is not that  
difficult :-) Hope you don't mind.

On 2007/03/11, at 08:36, Joel Pinckheard wrote:

> Um, recibi lo mismo pero de un tal Brad Fuellenbach sobre  
> administracion de
> sistema (aparte de esto usan exactamente las mismas palabras...) a una
> direccion que no tengo en mi pagina web ni mis cvs.
> Alguien tiene una opinion sobre si esto es etico!!
> -- 
> Joel Pinckheard     http://www.pincky.com/
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Igor Sutton
igor.sutton at gmail.com

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