[Banking-pm] Language, Timothy

John Costello cos at indeterminate.net
Fri Sep 8 16:04:00 PDT 2006

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Ben Evans wrote:

> In his own, unique way, Dave seems to have kindly raised the issue of 
> what the age rating for this list should be.
> Personally, as a fair few people seem to be posting from work addresses, 
> I'd vote for making the list PG-rated, so as not to trip any employers 
> naughty words filters?
> What do the rest of you chickens think?

I don't like diet anything, including diet Cantrell (or Cantrell lite or 

This raises a good question, though.  What is the attitude of financial 
industries towards employee use of email addresses on external lists and 
for marginally work-related lists?

John (posting not from work)

Disclaimer:  I am The Cantrell's (somewhat delinquent) stalker on 
London.PM.  Will follow people for beer.

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