APM: Need reviewed for Perl LDAP book

Mark Lehmann mlehmann at marklehmann.com
Wed Jan 8 16:52:49 CST 2003

Manning is willing to donate this book to a reviewer in our group.  Let me know
if you want to review this book, write up the review, and talk about it at
one of the monthly meetings.

Send me an email if you want to do this.

Attention Perl Mongers  ---

Manning Publications announces the release of:

LDAP Programming, Management and Integration
by Clayton Donley

To learn more about this book and find out how to get a free review copy for
your user group, please read on ...

Greenwich, CT --  Manning Publications has released LDAP Programming,
Management and Integration by LDAP authority, Clayton Donley. The book
covers concisely the LDAP standard and how to work with it in Java and Perl.
It gives readers the code and practical advice for migrating and integrating
data into an LDAP environment. It also explains how to increase an
application's security using identity and profile information from LDAP
repositories. LDAP Programming, Management and Integration is written for
network and system administrators as well as application developers.

What is Inside --
-	Migrating to standards-based directories
-	Directory synchronization
-	Authenticating and authorizing users
-	Security with digital certificates
-	How to work with XML's DSML v1 and v2
-	Accessing directories with Perl
-	How JNDI enables adding security, personalization and white pages
-	Covers LDAPv3

Clayton Donley has been an active participant on directory standards bodies
for years. His LDAP knowledge is broad and deep and he uses it to create
practical code examples and clearly explain the LDAP practiced in the
trenches. He lives in the Chicago, Illinois, area and is available for
presentations this Spring.

Manning's User Group Program --
Manning supports the grassroots efforts of the User Group community. A goal
of Manning's User Group Program is to foster relationships with technical
communities that--in addition to meeting regularly--troubleshoot, write book
reviews, and share knowledge through newsletters or Web sites. Manning will
provide a free book for presentation at meetings, for group libraries or for
door prizes in exchange for a written published review.

Mark Lehmann
email mlehmann at marklehmann.com | phone 512 689-7705

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