Meeting more people: Hallway++ means you're never interrupting

Kevin Zembower kzembower at
Tue May 21 16:30:31 PDT 2013

On Tue, 2013-05-21 at 17:02 +0000, Matt S Trout wrote:
> tl;dr ->
> If it says Hallway++ on somebody's badge or on a sign at a table, they're in.

Is it too late to have "Hallway++" badge ribbons made? Like the ones
last year, with adhesive and text like "Hardware Hacker" and "Has
Been" (two of mine).


> People doing Hallway++ would prefer your default to be "come and say hello" so they don't miss out on interesting conversations. Having to say if it isn't convenient right now is a conciously chosen trade-off.
> Lurking is fine; it's ok to listen to the conversation and then introduce yourself when there's a lull.
> Or, fundamentally:
> Hallway++ means you're never interrupting.
> full explanation ->
> We did this last year. It was awesome fun.

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