SPUG: Metacharacters in variables in regular expressions

John W. Krahn jwkrahn at shaw.ca
Mon Jan 12 16:22:31 PST 2009

Christopher Howard wrote:
> I wanted to do something like this:
> my $answer = <>;
> chomp $answer;
> if($some_earlier_var =~ /$answer/) { ### destroy the universe ### }
> But I need $answer to be 'safe', so the metacharacters aren't 
> interpreted as such in the regex. What is the best thing to do here, then?

[ snip ]

> So this is what I want, right?:
> if($some_earlier_var =~ /\Q$answer\E/) { ### destroy the universe ### }

Yes, or you could do it like this:

if(index{$some_earlier_var, $answer) >= 0) { ### destroy the universe ### }

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