SPUG: Web Calendaring Solution?

Kirby Krueger (SPUG) kirbyk+spug at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 15:22:53 PDT 2008

What I have: A frequently-updated database of events (scheduled tests for
the UW Testing Center).  Output of this in iCal Format (hand-spun, but that
wasn't very hard thanks to finding the right perl modules.)  A
Catalyst-based web platform.

What I want: An easy way to display this on a webpage without having to
rewrite the wheel of Calendaring software.

I've tried publishing it to a google calendar and embedding that in an
iframe, and it works just fine - except that Google wants to update rarely
(maybe daily?) and there's no way to force it.  I can live with a little bit
of lag, but it's just not useful as a daily publish.

Alternately, a perl module that draws a calendar based on an iCal
subscription URL would be wonderful, but well beyond the time I want to
spend on this to create.

Anyone solved this problem already?  There's a lot of stuff in the online
calendar space, most of it total garbage - I'm drowning in too many paths,

Thanks for any advice,

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