SPUG: Call for Topics (and Speakers)

Gryphon Shafer gryphon.shafer at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 22:23:33 PST 2008

Greetings all,

w00t, I have wireless at Colman dock. :) Anyway, I'd like to put out a
call for topics and speakers for upcoming SPUG meetings. If you have
topic ideas or would like to volunteer to speak, I'd like to hear from
you. Speaking is both fun and rewarding. Not so much rewarding in the
monetary sense, but maybe some free beer. Don't feel like you have to
be a guru or genius to be a speaker; all are welcomed and encouraged
to volunteer.

Question for the SPUG list: Over the past few meetings, we've been
talking about some pretty advanced topics, which is awesome, but I'm
wondering what you all think about if we should offer a few more basic
topics from time to time. It may help to attract some newer-to-Perl
people into SPUG. At the same time, I don't want to loose the kind of
climate we have now. What do you think?


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