[SP-pm] Deveria Funcionar?

Luis Motta Campos luismottacampos at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Sep 14 23:28:38 PDT 2008

Daniel de Oliveira Mantovani wrote:
> Também não está funcionando, tem que por mais informações que nem a do Eden
> pois acima.
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
> $ua->timeout(10);
> $ua->cookie_jar({ 'JSESSIONID' => 'A898046DD481350D04CEDA944EAEF7DF' });
> my $response = $ua->get("$url");
> my $conteudo = $response->content;
> Acho que precisa do servidor, mas algumas coisas, eu olhei na Internet e não
> achei nada para por as opções.



------ BEGIN LWP::UserAgent Documentation -----
$ua->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar_obj )

    Get/set the cookie jar object to use. The only requirement is that
the cookie jar object must implement the extract_cookies($request) and
add_cookie_header($response) methods. These methods will then be invoked
by the user agent as requests are sent and responses are received.
Normally this will be a HTTP::Cookies object or some subclass.

    The default is to have no cookie_jar, i.e. never automatically add
"Cookie" headers to the requests.

    Shortcut: If a reference to a plain hash is passed in as the
$cookie_jar_object, then it is replaced with an instance of
HTTP::Cookies that is initialized based on the hash. This form also
automatically loads the HTTP::Cookies module. It means that:

      $ua->cookie_jar({ file => "$ENV{HOME}/.cookies.txt" });

    is really just a shortcut for:

      require HTTP::Cookies;
      $ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file =>
------ END LWP::UserAgent Documentation -----

O módulo que você está procurando é o HTTP::Cookie.

Luis Motta Campos is a software engineer,
Perl Programmer, foodie and photographer.

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