[rochester-pm-list] Web Site update, meeting reminder

Charles Rishel charles at mckeanmachinery.com
Mon Feb 14 14:59:27 CST 2000


Sorry I only made the one meeting.  I would like to attend more, but I  have been rather busy with work and now the weather makes it not so nice 
a drive.  As I live in Olean, it is a bit out of the way ;-).
but, I wanted to offer up a bit of script that I wrote, for discussion, critique, or 'just because'.  I welcome any input from you or anyone in the 
group.  I am sure there were probably easier ways of doing it, but I came up with this program about 3 months ago, it works well, so I left it aone.
You know what they say  'If it ain't broke, keep your d*#! hands off of it' 	  ;-)

Charles K. Rishel
IT Manager
McKean Machinery Sales


#This program created by Charles K. Rishel
#1.  I got tired of manually deleting up to 200 images from our Web-Server.
#2.  Why not?

#This program will read a list of files to delete from an input file,
#and remove the files contained in that file, from the current dir.

$infile="remove.txt";	#variable to hold the input filename.
$countallfiles=0;   	#variable to hold the number of files in list
$count=0;   	  	#variable to hold the number of files deleted

open(IN,$infile)|| die "cannot open $infile for reading: $!\n"; 	 #opens the input file

while(<IN>)		  	#loop until end of $infile is reached, reading each line of text.
   $countallfiles++;	#This increments the file counter for all files in list
   s/  00//;		#This code is remarked below.

   if (unlink($filename)>0)
      $count++;		#This increments the file counter for deleted files

#The following code will print all filenames not deleted.
#not necessary for my purposes, so commented out.

#   else
#   {
#       print "cannot delete $filename: $!\n";
#   }

print "$count of $countallfiles files deleted.\n";

#The following code is used to remove the 2 spaces and 2 leading zero's from
# the input data file, and append the .jpg extension making a valid image filename.

#   s/  00//;		#removes the spaces between the supplier and item# leading 0's
#   $filename=$_;		#variable to hold the new string, now in file format
#   chomp($filename);	#remove the null character at end of string
#   $filename="$filename.jpg";    #append .jpg to the end of the string

#The input file data AT  001401, comes through this process as AT1401.jpg, and this filename
#can then be used to remove the applicable file.  The nice part is that if you already have a
#list containing valid filenames such as AT1401.jpg, you can eliminate the step to add the 
#extension, and all will be fine.

On 02/12/2000 3:27:37 AM, Brian Mathis wrote:
>Sorry if you get this twice..
>Hello all,
>We will be having a meeting this coming Wednesday at Monty's Crown.  Age
>should not be an issue, but if you are concerned about it, just send me a
>note, and we can go right to Boldo's Armory.  It's 50 feet away, so it's no
>big deal.  (Also, there's very few people there on Wed, so it should be
>pretty easy to find us).
>Recently, we have changed the meetings to a more social type of thing, and
>moved to the bar, in hopes that people were more interested in that.  If
>that is not the case (as the past few meetings have been scarcely
>attended), please show up and give us your input on what you'd like to do.
>I have updated the web site with new calendars, and added a little more
>info to it.  I have added Monty's Crown as a meeting place, and have
>started to place on the calendar where each meeting will be held.  If
>you're not sure where it will be, check the calendar.
>I've also added instructions on how to unsubscribe from the list, in case
>you were interested in doing that.
>You should also notice (hopefully), that there is now a tagline on the
>bottom of each message, directing you to the web site.
>Brian Mathis
>Direct Edge
>For information on unsubscribing from this list, please visit http://rochester.pm.org

For information on unsubscribing from this list, please visit http://rochester.pm.org

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