[Purdue-pm] Saturday HackLafayette Event: Time Management for Grumpy Programmers

Dave Jacoby jacoby.david at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 10:08:24 PDT 2017

Chris Hartjes, co-host of the /dev/hell podcast and author of Minimum
Viable Tests, will be in town Saturday, giving his presentation "Time
Management for Grumpy Programmers",

"I don't have enough time" is a cry that echoes across social media and
online chat rooms. Work deadlines, family obligations, hobbies that don't
involve computers -- they all are taking out chunks of the time we have
available to us. But there is one immutable fact --we all have the same
amount of time available, some of us just find different ways to use it.

In this session learn how long-time grumpy programmer Chris Hartjes
organizes and makes decisions about how to spend his time. Business owner,
involved work-from-home parent, conference speaker, podcaster, collectable
card game enthusiast - Chris does this all and more without feeling
super-stressed about it. Was he born with this super power? Not at all. The
talk will cover how Chris plans his life, his preferred tools, and
strategies for figuring out what to do and when to do it. It is possible to
get a lot done and not become a workaholic in the process. Sit back, relax,
and let a grumpy programmer show you how to maximize your time.

Saturday, April 8, at 3:30pm in MatchBOX Coworking Studio. I'm told by
HackLafayette organizer Ed Finkler that "(w)e will have food of some kind
for free." Please RSVP so we know how much to order.


And, I promise I will watch the door in case you show up late. Email me or
message the Meetup group if you need the door opened.

Dave Jacoby
jacoby.david at gmail.com

Computers let us make bad decisions at lightning speed and global scale.
 -- Brian Wisti
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