[Pdx-pm] April Meeting

chromatic chromatic at wgz.org
Thu Apr 13 14:28:55 PDT 2006

On Thursday 13 April 2006 14:02, Bryce Harrington wrote:

> For this, have you considered offering friendly code reviews?  I would
> imagine having review and feedback could be very valuable.  Sort of like
> a fiction writer's group.

That idea has come up before.  I think it's still a good one, though other 
people have pointed out that the idea of having your own code reviewed in 
public is a little bit intimidating, just as is speaking up on a mailing list 
if you're a lurker or an interested party or someone who's never really 
attended a meeting but might someday.

Yeah, I'm talking to you (well, not quite Bryce) ... it's okay!

One fun Birds of a Feather session after hours at Perl conferences was getting 
some gurus and well-known people in a room and letting other people just come 
up and ask questions one-on-one.  It's especially useful to have a printout 
or a laptop with some code.

I think that might be less intimidating, but I'd really like to hear from 
lurkers on the list (or even in private) about other ideas to get you more 
involved.  You don't have to be an expert in Perl or programming.  You just 
have to think you'll enjoy participating.

-- c

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