[oak perl] Meja er em Pumulu.

Mark Bole mark at bincomputing.com
Thu Mar 10 08:14:37 PST 2005

George Woolley wrote:

>Mike Lewis sent me the answer.
>He didn't post it on the mailing list,
>apparently, because he feels
>he had an unfair advantage.
>He hadn't noticed the first posting.
>The above is, as well as being true,
>another clue.
>Anyone else?

Well, I don't know if it's simple... couldn't figure out how to do it in 
fewer lines.

Here's a program to generate the converted string (I haven't shown the 
original string in case someone is still trying to guess).

@v1 = @v = qw(a e i o u);
unshift(@v1, pop(@v1));

@c1 = @c = 'a'..'z';
unshift(@c1, pop(@c1));

$left  = join('', @v, @c);
$right = join('', @v1, @c1);

while (<>) {
    eval "tr/$left/$right/";

Mark Bole

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