[HRPM] Perl switch statement

Jeff Duffy jeff at alanne.com
Sun Jan 21 13:03:09 CST 2001


 For those who might need it (I imagine that includes everyone), Damian 
'The-Perl-community-pays-me-to-hack" Conway has released Switch-2.01,
a very nifty and very Perl implementation of the switch/case statement 
found in many other languages.


 Highlights include:

- 18 different ways (!) to match a case statement, including lmatching 
against iteral strings, regular expressions, hash key or value 
existence (my favorite), subroutine output, and many more.

- Way flexible expression cascading (even forced fallthrough).

 This is a very nice way to clean up some of that code you have with 
fourteen sequential elsif statements :)

 I'd be happy to cover this at a meeting, too.


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We won't tell you where or why.
Lazy programmers.
		-- Hacking haiku

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