[HRPM] Example module.

Jeff Duffy jeff at alanne.com
Sun Jan 21 02:14:09 CST 2001


 Here's a very simple module I whipped up for a personal project. It 
creates and manages a pool of database connections (in a very simple 

 I thought it might be helpful for those who aren't yet comfortable 
with creating Perl modules or using OO Perl to look through the code, 
and ask any "how did you do that?" questions they might have. It's can 
also be an informative exercise for everyone to trash my code :)

 I'm not thin-skinned, and I'd like to generate some discussion on the 
list, so feel free to question the point of it.

 For those who have never installed a module before:

tar -xzvf DBIx-Pool-0.01.tar.gz
cd DBIx-Pool-0.01
perl Makefile.PL
(as root)
make install

 To check out the PerlDoc on it:

perldoc DBIx::Pool

 The guts of the module is located in the file DBIx-Pool-0.01/Pool.pm.

Errors have occurred.
We won't tell you where or why.
Lazy programmers.
		-- Hacking haiku
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