[HRPM] Very cool looking XML module.

Jeff Duffy jduffy at semcor.com
Thu Aug 3 13:55:39 CDT 2000

chicks at chicks.net wrote:
> http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/XML/RHANSON/XML-EasyOBJ-1.0.readme

 I could see a few cases where this could be useful, but I like the
event-based structure of XML::Parser. This module really requires you to
know the layout of the document first (Of course, if there's a DTD, you
could just parse that and use it as a template for code generation).

 I was playing a bit with XML::Parser a couple of weeks ago, and it's
very cool to be able to say "Everytime you encounter a <chapter>
element, do this". You could do the same thing with the above, but you
would end up with like fifty nested loops (although I was just reading
about the concept of buillding factory objects, which would fit in well

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has gone soft people begin to disobey him, and its nothing but work,
work, work 
all the time."
	-- The Dread Pirate Roberts

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