[Niederrhein-pm] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, October 21

R. Kuepper niederrhein-pm at web.de
Mit Okt 27 02:03:29 CDT 2004

------- Forwarded message -------
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: burbach at gwl.de
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, October 21
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 13:59:00 -0700

>  ================================================================
> O'Reilly News for User Group Members
> October 21, 2004
> ================================================================
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Book News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -iPod and iTunes Hacks
> -JUnit Pocket Guide
> -SELinux
> -SWT: A Developer's Notebook
> -Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using
>   PHP and MySQL, 3rd Edition
> -Real World Web Services
> -iPod Fan Book
> -Modding Mac OS X
> -SQL in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
> -Mac OS X Power Hound, Panther Edition
> -Windows XP Power Hound
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming Events
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Dan Gillmor ("We The Media"), Barnes & Noble,
>   San Jose--November 4
> -MySQL ComCon Europe, Germany Frankfurt--
>   November 9-10
> -Niel M. Bornstein (".NET and XML"), XML 2004 Conference
>   and Exposition, Washington, DC--November 15-19
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Conference News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Attending the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference? Come Join Us!
> -Last Chance to Register for O'Reilly's Mac OS X Conference
> -Call for Participation: The MySQL Users Conference--
>   Proposals are due by November 1
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> News
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> -Enter for a Chance to Win Top-of-the-Line Components
>   So You Can Build Your Own Perfect PC
> -Point-and-Click Phishing
> -Google Your Desktop
> -Turning the Tables Using CSS
> -Displaying Pocket PC and Smartphone Screens on Your PC
> -Storming the Microsoft Edifice
> -Seven Cool Mono Apps
> -Save 50% on Linux/Unix System Administration Online Courses
> -Mac OS X Power Hound Helpful Hints, Part 1
> -TenCon Fly-by
> -Extend your AirPort Network with AirPort Express
> -Power Hound Tips for Online Protection
> -Building the Perfect Bleeding-Edge PC, Part 1
> -Building the Perfect Bleeding-Edge PC, Part 2
> -An Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming with the
>   Spring Framework, Part 2
> -Create and Read J2SE 5.0 Annotations with the ASM
>   Bytecode Toolkit
> ================================================
> Book News
> ================================================
> Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
> group? Ask your group leader for more information.
> For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
> http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html
> Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch,
> Paraglyph, Pragmatic Bookshelf, SitePoint, or Syngress book you
> purchase directly from O'Reilly.
> Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.
> http://www.oreilly.com/
> ***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at
> least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer
> applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
> For more details, go to:
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> New Releases
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ***iPod and iTunes Hacks
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007787
> Some people are content to use their iPods simply to play music. Some of
> the curious and clever among us want to do much more. If you want to get
> under the hood and tap every iPod trick available, this book will take 
> you
> beyond the obvious with 100 undocumented tips, tricks, and trade secrets
> that will delight, entertain, and add astonishing power to your iPod and
> iTunes experience. Explore, experiment, create shortcuts, and unearth 
> cool
> and unexpected things.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ipodtuneshks
> 10 sample hacks are available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ipodtuneshks/chapter/index.html
> ***JUnit Pocket Guide
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007434
> While there are bits of documentation all over the place, there is no
> go-to manual that serves as a quick reference for JUnit. Until now. This
> Pocket Guide meets that need, bringing together all the hard-to-remember
> information, syntax, and rules for working with JUnit, as well as
> delivering the insight and sage advice that can only come from a
> technology's creator. Programmers and developers of any level who write
> Java Code and use JUnit to do their unit testing will find this an
> indispensable reference.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/junitpg/
> ***SELinux
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007167
> SELinux covers the wide range of knowledge you need to secure your system
> with SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux), the security-related extension to
> Linux that embodies the key advances of the security field. This book
> covers SELinux concepts and its security model; installation 
> instructions;
> system and user administration; and understanding, implementing, and
> developing your own SELinux security policies. With SELinux, a
> high-security computer is within reach of any system administrator, and
> this book provides the means.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/selinux/
> Chapter 4, "Using and Administering SELinux," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/selinux/chapter/index.html
> ***SWT: A Developer's Notebook
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596008384
> Learn how to take SWT out for a spin, make it work for you, and turn it
> upside down--without tripping over wasted words and space. Each lab in
> this notebook details a specific task; you can read from the first page 
> to
> the last, or look up just what you need to know. And then you can stick
> this book in your laptop bag so you have a quick reference when you 
> forget
> how to create a multi-tabbed view.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/swtadn/
> Chapter 15, "SWT CoolBars," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/swtadn/chapter/index.html
> ***Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL, 3rd 
> Edition
> Publisher: SitePoint
> ISBN: 0975240218
> "Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL, 3rd Edition"
> is a practical guide for first-time users of PHP and MySQL. This
> bestseller has been updated to reflect best practice web development 
> using
> PHP 5 and MySQL 4, and it teaches readers by guiding them through the
> creation of a fully working content management system, shopping cart, and
> other real-world applications. This new edition also includes more code
> examples and a bonus chapter on structured PHP programming that 
> introduces
> techniques for organizing real-world PHP applications.
> ***Real World Web Services
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 059600642X
> The core idea behind this book is simple: after years of hype, what are
> the major players really doing with web services? Standards bodies may
> wrangle and platform vendors may preach, but at the end of the day, what
> are the technologies that are actually in use and how can developers
> incorporate them into their own applications? The answers are here in 
> this
> field guide to the wild and wooly world of non-trivial, deployed web
> services.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/realwws/
> Chapter 6, "Project 3: Billing and Faxing," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/realwws/chapter/index.html
> ***iPod Fan Book
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007760
> This compact and beautifully packaged guide is for iPod users who want a
> quick, fun way to learn all the features and capabilities of the device.
> It takes readers through the process of loading the iPod with music and
> then organizing, playing, and even burning those tunes onto CDs and DVDs.
> The book also discusses ways to use the iPod on the go, such as playing 
> it
> through a car stereo, and shows how to use the iPod as a PDA for storing
> things like addresses and personal calendars. The iPod is more than a
> digital music device; it has become a cultural phenomenon and a fashion
> statement, and this book is the perfect gift for people living the iPod
> lifestyle.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ipodfb/
> ***Modding Mac OS X
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596007094
> This book uncovers dozens of ways to customize the user interface for 
> both
> Mac OS X and its applications, using the newest tools. You'll learn
> everything from hacking the preferences and enabling and disabling 
> plugins
> to using the Terminal and applications like the Property List Editor to
> modify files and edit resources. If you're ready to tweak and experiment,
> create and refine, customize and control OS X and your applications--and
> have some fun doing it--this is an indispensable guide.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/modmacosx/
> Chapter 3, "Application Dumpster Diving," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/modmacosx/chapter/index.html
> ***SQL in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596004818
> Written for SQL programmers, analysts, and database administrators, this
> essential desktop reference documents every SQL command and how to use it
> in both commercial and open source implementations. It includes the
> command syntax (by vendor, if the syntax differs across implementations),
> a clear description, and practical examples that illustrate important
> concepts and uses. It also explains how the leading commercial and open
> source database products implement SQL. Get the essential data language
> reference for the world's top SQL database products.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/sqlnut2/
> Chapter 4, "SQL Functions," is available online:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/sqlnut2/chapter/index.html
> ***Mac OS X Power Hound, Panther Edition
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 059600818X
> "Mac OS X Power Hound, Panther Edition" lifts the hood on the Formula
> One-powered operating system and delivers over 500 high-octane secrets in
> every conceivable category, including the Desktop and Finder, iApps, Mac
> OS X programs, Mastering the system and Terminal, and much more. Consider
> this book your pit crew, helping you find easier, faster, and better ways
> of using Panther and the programs that come with it--and even a bunch 
> that
> don't. And if you want to become your own master mechanic, the book also
> includes two rich chapters on Unix, the engine under Mac OS X's hood.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/macxpu/
> ***Windows XP Power Hound
> Publisher: O'Reilly
> ISBN: 0596006195
> Windows XP power-users troll the web, documentation, and friends for
> useful tips and tricks--a keyboard shortcut here, an undocumented
> double-click there to eliminate annoyances, save time, and take control 
> of
> their Windows XP. There's an easier way.  This insightful and amusing 
> book
> is packed with hundreds of power tips, cool tricks, and workarounds in 
> one
> organized, easy-to-use resource--for everything from the desktop to 
> Office
> programs to the registry.
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/winxppu/
> ================================================
> Upcoming Events
> ================================================
> ***For more events, please see:
> http://events.oreilly.com/
> ***User Group leaders and members attending the O'Reilly
>   Mac OS X Conference
> Come meet up with Marsee Henon (O'Reilly User Group Coordinator) and
> Lorene Romero (Apple User Group Advisory Board Vendor Relation
> Coordinator and North Coast Mac Users Group President) on Wednesday,
> October 27 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the bar in the lobby of the Westin
> Santa Clara. We can swap stories, ideas, or just hang out. And 
> afterwards,
> we can attend the "Real-Time Filmmaking on Mac OS X" talk.
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/view/e_sess/5705
> O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
> October 25-28, 2004
> Westin Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/macosxcon/
> ***Dan Gillmor ('We The Media"), Barnes & Noble, San Jose--November 4
> Don't miss Dan at the Stevens Creek Barnes & Noble starting at 7pm.
> 3600 Stevens Creek Blvd
> San Jose, CA 95117
> 408-984-3495
> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/frames/storeLocator/storeLocator_zip.asp?ZIP=95117&userid=5T4fPFGArd&linkto=shop
> ***MySQL ComCon Europe, Germany Frankfurt--November 9-10
> The MySQL ComCon Europe 2004 brings together the vigor and excitement of 
> a
> community event (like LinuxTag) with the structure of MySQL
> mission-critical business event. The conference will take place in
> Frankfurt from November 9th to 10th and will have a day of pre-conference
> power workshops on the 8th. Sessions on diverse topics such as
> "Performance Tuning J2EE Applications deployed on MySQL," "Lowering TCOs
> for SAP Environments with MaxDB," and a two-part introduction to MySQL
> Cluster will be presented by MySQL core developers, expert trainers and
> MySQL community leaders.
> http://mysqlcomconeurope.com/
> ***Niel M. Bornstein (".NET and XML"), XML 2004 Conference and 
> Exposition,
>   Washington, DC--November 15-19
> Niel presents a tutorial based on his book at this annual event.
> Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC.
> http://www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***Last Chance to Register for O'Reilly's Mac OS X Conference
> Join us for the third annual Mac OS X Conference, October 25-28, 2004, in
> Santa Clara, California. You'll hear from Stewart Copeland, the former
> drummer for The Police who now creates award-winning film and television
> scores using Mac OS X technology; "New York Times" columnist David Pogue;
> Andy Ihnatko of the "Chicago Sun-Times"; Karelia Sofware's Dan Wood; 
> Brent
> Simmons of Ranchero Software; Michael Bartosh of 4AM Media; Mac authors
> Dori Smith, Gordon Meyer, and Ted Landau; and many more.
> User Group members who use code DSUG when you register receive 20% off
> conference pricing.
> To register, go to:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/create/ord_mac04
> O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
> October 25-28, 2004
> Westin Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA
> http://conferences.oreilly.com/macosxcon/
> ***Call for Participation: The MySQL Users Conference--
>   Proposals are due by November 1
>> From embedded solutions to web-commerce and critical business
> applications, MySQL is everywhere--with more than five million active
> installations worldwide. To introduce new users to MySQL and help
> developers and IT professionals keep pace with the latest advancements,
> MySQL AB has teamed up with O'Reilly Media, Inc. to co-present the third
> annual MySQL Users Conference, scheduled for April 18-21, 2005, in Santa
> Clara, CA.
> For complete conference details visit:
> http://www.mysqluc.com
> Visit the submissions page for all the details on tracks and proposal
> guidelines--this year's theme is "MySQL Everywhere." Proposals are due no
> later than November 1, 2004.
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/mysqluc2005/create/e_sess
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> General News
> ---------------------
> ***Enter for a Chance to Win Top-of-the-Line Components So You Can Build
>   Your Own Perfect PC
> If you've ever dreamed about having a high-end PC that truly meets your
> needs, enter for a chance to win some topnotch components and build your
> own!
> http://www.oreilly.com/promos/perfectpc/
> ***Point-and-Click Phishing
> Brian McWilliams examines a recent phishing attack and talks to the
> hacker, an eighteen-year-old software whiz, who wrote the powerful
> spamware program that made it possible. Brian is the author of O'Reilly's
> new "Spam Kings."
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2004/10/13/phishing.html
> ***Google Your Desktop
> ...And the rest of your file system, mailbox, and instant messenger
> conversations--even your browser cache. The Google Desktop is your own
> private little Google server.
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2004/10/14/google_desktop.html
> ***Turning the Tables Using CSS
> Have you noticed web pages loading a bit faster than usual? You might
> thank Eric Meyer, an expert and author on the subject of cascading style
> sheets (CSS), a standards-based method of coding web sites. apple.com's
> Nancy Eaton talks to Eric about the distinct advantages of CSS and the
> dark days of the browser wars. Eric wrote "Cascading Style Sheets: The
> Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition."
> http://www.apple.com/pro/words/meyer/
> Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
> ISBN: 0596005253
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/css2/
> ***Displaying Pocket PC and Smartphone Screens on Your PC
> Stuck for how to project your Pocket PC in a presentation? Remote Display
> Control comes to the rescue.
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2004/10/15/remote_display.html
> ---------------------
> Open Source
> ---------------------
> ***Storming the Microsoft Edifice
> In the battle for open source and open standards on user desktops,
> applications such as OpenOffice.org and Mozilla Firefox are stealthily
> winning small skirmishes. In this article, Sam Hiser describes the
> situation in terms of Monty Python's "Trojan rabbit." Sam is a coauthor 
> of
> "Exploring the JDS Linux Desktop."
> http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2004/10/14/storming_microsoft_edifice.html
> ***Seven Cool Mono Apps
> Edd Dumbill takes a look at seven of the cool open source programs being
> built on Mono.
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2004/10/18/mono.html
> ***Save 50% on Linux/Unix System Administration Online Courses
> O'Reilly is offering a 50% discount on the Linux/Unix Certification
> Series from their O'Reilly Learning Lab. Save nearly $1000 on these
> online courses--and earn a University of Illinois System Administration
> Certificate. Every class includes compelling, hands-on content, root
> access to a Linux server, an online coach, and a free O'Reilly book. Use
> the code ORALL1 to get your 50% discount.
> To enroll for the Learning Lab Linux/Unix Certification Series go to:
> http://oreilly.useractive.com/linuxa/
> ---------------------
> Mac
> ---------------------
> ***Mac OS X Power Hound Helpful Hints, Part 1
> Author Rob Griffiths has hand-picked 16 of his favorite hints and
> organized them into this two-part series. This week, in part one, you'll
> discover eight tricks to help your Mac OS X system run smoother, and see
> new ways to personalize your working environment. Examples include
> activating Expose with a multi-button mouse, saving iTunes Music Store
> videos and trailers, and customizing the Dock "poof."
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/excerpt/osxph_1004/index.html
> ***TenCon Fly-by
> Over the past weeks Derrick Story has been pointing out some of the new
> content we've added to the O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference. Here's his
> collection of What's New blurbs and weblogs to create a convenient fly-by
> of event highlights.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/10/19/tencon_flyby.html
> ***Extend your AirPort Network with AirPort Express
> Sometimes one access point just isn't enough for our wireless networks,
> even at home. Wei Meng Lee shows you how to extend your network with
> AirPort Express, and explains what's going on under the hood.
> http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/10/12/airport_express.html
> ---------------------
> Windows/.NET
> ---------------------
> ***Power Hound Tips for Online Protection
> The Internet is a dangerous place, and sometimes the dangers come from
> unexpected quarters. So in addition to taking the usual online
> precautions, the Power Hound offers some tips about how to protect
> yourself against dangers you may have never even thought of, excerpted
> from O'Reilly's newly released Windows XP Power Hound.
> http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/excerpt/winxppu_ch6/index.html
> ***Building the Perfect Bleeding-Edge PC, Part 1
> What does it take to build the perfect bleeding-edge PC? First you need 
> to
> pick the perfect components. From processor to power supply, Bob and
> Barbara Thompson have assembled their ideal mix of high-performance
> components that will run on both Linux and Windows.
> Building the Perfect Bleeding-Edge PC, Part 1
> http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/10/05/PerfectPC.html
> ***Building the Perfect Bleeding-Edge PC, Part 2
> You've gotten all the parts--now it's time for the nitty-gritty of 
> putting
> it all together. Here are step-by-step instructions for building the PC 
> of
> your dreams, from Bob and Barbara Thompson, authors of "Building the
> Perfect PC."
> http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/10/12/PerfectPC.html
> ---------------------
> Java
> ---------------------
> ***An Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming with the Spring
>   Framework, Part 2
> Russ Miles continues his introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming 
> (AOP)
> in Spring by delving into the around advice, which allows you to not just
> add to an existing method implementation, but to completely replace it.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/10/20/springaop2.html
> ***Create and Read J2SE 5.0 Annotations with the ASM Bytecode Toolkit
> Continuing his examination of the ASM bytecode-manipulation toolkit,
> Eugene Kuleshov shows how ASM can be used to access J2SE 5.0 attributes,
> even from earlier JVM versions that don't support attributes.
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/10/20/asm.html
> ================================================
> O'Reilly User Group Wiki
> ================================================
> Don't forget to check out the O'Reilly UG wiki to see what user groups
> across the globe are up to:
> http://wiki.oreillynet.com/usergroups/index.cgi
> Until next time--
> Marsee

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