[Minsk-pm] Fwd: [pm_groups] Call for translators

Andrei andrei.protasovitski на gmail.com
Вт Май 12 03:58:12 PDT 2009

Для полуглотов.

Переведём Padre на белорусский, а? Локализованную версию назовём "Бацька"!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gabor Szabo <szabgab на gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/12
Subject: [pm_groups] Call for translators
To: PM Groups <pm_groups на pm.org>


this is only relevant to the PM groups of people who are not native English
speakers. Please forward the following message to your mailing list
preferably with a few words of recommendation.

As you might or might not know we are developing an IDE for Perl in Perl
called Padre. Among other things we would like to make it easily accessible
to people who don't know English well. For that reason several people have
been translating the GUI of Padre to other languages.
Currently there are 15 translations at various levels of completeness.

Recently we created a web page that allows us to easily see which
languages are there and what is the level of completeness of
the translation of Padre itself and that of the over 35 plugins.

Currently there are 436 strings in Padre and and additional 150 string
int the plugins that need translation.

It would be of great help both to our project and hopefully to the local
newbies to further improve the already existing translations and to
Padre into other languages as well.

You don't have to land all the translation at once, on the stats web page
we can track the progress of a translation once it is in our repository.

So if you are interested

*  Current status of the translations: http://www.perlide.org/translations/
* Instructions for translators:

What you need to do is
1) Install Padre
2) Register on http://padre.perlide.org/
3) check out Padre from SVN
4) Translate the first 50 strings
5) ask for a commit bit on #padre
6) Commit the first batch
7) Keep translating

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Andrei Protasovitski
< andrei[dot]protasovitski[at]gmail[dot]com >
Minsk, Belarus
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