greetings and welcome

stimpy stimpy at
Wed Dec 2 16:49:09 CST 1998

>So, to get this list rolling, perhaps we could all introduce ourselves,
>what we do and how/why we use Perl for work and for fun.

Ok, here goes mine.  I'm Jack Webb, aka stimps.  My programming interests
are mostly recreational, except for co-sysadmining a small Unix based
system from home with my partner Brad, providing mail and news service for
some friends.  Brad works at ActiveState as Systems Manager, and much of
what I know of Perl I've learned from him.  I've been working with
computers and Unix systems since 1990 (something I did not expect from
life, as my education includes degrees in English and Theatre Arts).

I'm a fiction writer by vocation. I find that Perl as a language is more
intuitive for people with numerical dyslexia.


Anyone found bipedal in five wears his ass for a hat!
                  stimpy at

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