[LA.pm] About last night's meeting

David Fetter david at fetter.org
Sat Aug 18 16:58:36 PDT 2007

On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 04:14:54PM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Eric" == Eric Hammond <ehammond at thinksome.com> writes:
> Eric> However, I also heard quite a few comments that the Rent.com location 
> Eric> was far easier for folks to get to on a week night than the former 
> Eric> Hollywood venue; so I would give that site some credit and recommend 
> Eric> we continue having regular events there.
> I'd second that.  I always felt like I was "invading" the other
> site, especially with the strange parking and the signing in at the
> front desk.  And the "no food or drink" rule was annoying... heck,
> rent.com even *provides* the food and drink.  Nice.

Venues get a *lot* of points simply by providing food and drink, or at
least allowing people to chip in and bring their own :)

> Also, I forget precisely who I was talking to, but I would strongly
> encourage la.pm to have *two* meetings a month... a *social* night
> which is just a "meet at this restaurant at 7pm", and a *technical*
> night.  That's the formula that we've found works in other places.
> And don't sweat too hard on making the social night work for
> everybody.  Just pick a night and do it.

If that's too many to arrange, just alternate social & technical.

D (up in the Bay Area, and impressed with LA.pm's meetings)
David Fetter <david at fetter.org> http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 415 235 3778        AIM: dfetter666
                              Skype: davidfetter

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