[LA.pm] Problem with FastCGI under Apache 2

Benjamin J. Tilly ben_tilly at operamail.com
Thu Feb 9 15:21:33 PST 2006

"Loren Osborn" <lsosborn at dis-sol-inc.com> wrote:
> We are having a serious problem with signals in FastCGI under Apache 2
> and could use any assistance you could offer.  It appears that FastCGI
> is attempting to shutdown a perl script that it's running by sending it
> a SIGTERM, but the process is asleep and the signal is queued for when
> the process is next awakened.  When FastCGI gets a request for a page of
> the type that was sent the SIGTERM, it sees the process as still alive,
> and sends it another request. The process is awakened, sees the SIGTERM,
> and dies without providing a response to FastCGI.  FastCGI then produces
> an error indicating that the script produced no output.

Set the environment variable PERL_SIGNALS to unsafe for the script.

Here is the issue.  Perl has 2 ways to handle signals.  One is safe, which will interrupt and handle the error when the current opcode finishes.  The other is unsafe, which uses setlongjmp to break out of whatever Perl is doing right now.

Unsafe signals guarantee that signals are handled immediately, but run a risk of dumping core.  (The more you do in your signal handler, the higher the probability of dumping core.)  Safe signals are handled eventually but won't dump core.

The default in Perl 5.8 is safe signal handling.

> We do have one work around, but just discovered that this work around
> does not always solve the problem.  The work around was, if the process
> was asleep when the SIGTERM was received, then it answers one final
> request before exiting.  We are finding issues, apparently, when the
> process has been awakened after excessive periods of time.  (hours)

I don't have a solution to this problem, and strongly suspect that it is a separate bug.

There are lots of possibilities though.  For example suppose that your script has a database connection, and there is a firewall between the script and the database.  The database connection goes over a TCP/IP connection, and after a certain time without activity the firewall will terminate the TCP/IP connection.  After that the script will fail because it doesn't have a database connection.

Solutions to that could include carefully testing whether the database connection works (and reconnecting if need be) on every request, or having the script wake itself up periodically to do something trivial with the database.

> Any assistance you can offer is very much appreciated,

You're welcome, and I hope that my suggestions work.


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