[LA.pm] visiting LA

Geoffrey Young geoff at modperlcookbook.org
Sun Feb 29 21:35:10 CST 2004

Benjamin J. Tilly wrote:
> Geoffrey Young <geoff at modperlcookbook.org> wrote:
>>hi all
>>I'll be visiting the LA area from march 8th through the 12th.  I realize
>>it's last minute, but does the group have any plans that week?  not knowing
>>the nature of the group, I'd be happy to give a light talk or crash a social
>>dinner if there's enough interest.  if not, maybe next time :)
> I'd be interested.  I'd definitely be up for either dinner or hearing
> a talk on something mod_perl related.  I suspect that Rent.com can
> find space for a talk. And I know at least a couple of people from
> Perlmonks who would be likely to show up to a talk.

a talk then food is fine with me.  just food is cool, too.  whatever people
are comfortable with.

I'd probably want to give "Why mod_perl 2.0 sucks, why mod_perl 2.0 rocks" -
it's short, somewhat humerous, and not (too) deep code-wise.  and I've
pulled it from OSCon consideration, so it may be the last time it is seen in
public :)

> Speaking of Perlmonks, virtualsue will be visiting from England and
> flies out on the 11'th.  If the talk was on the 9'th or 10'th she might
> be able to make it.

any night is fine with me, really - I'm here all week.  later in the evening
is probably better, though, since I suspect I'll be working until at least
6pm and it always seems to take 2 hours to drive 10 miles out west ;)


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