LPM: perl 5.6 released

Steve Lane sml at zfx.com
Tue Mar 28 12:35:28 CST 2000

Rich Bowen wrote:
> [rbowen at localhost /tmp]$ perlcc test.pl
> Um ... huh?
> test.pl is 40bytes. The generated test.pl.c is about 35k. But I'm a
> little lost as to what's going on in the compile stage there, and why it
> failed. Apparently I'm not the only one. Tom Christiansen posted a
> similar example to P5P a few days ago, wondering why it did not work.
> Perhaps we'll see some progress on this in the next few days.

imo, Tom's posts on p5p about the compiler are some of the
most entertaining i've seen on that list in awhile :).  let's
hope it gets working.
Steve Lane <sml at zfx.com>

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