LPM: October meeting

David Hempy hempy at ket.org
Thu Sep 16 10:58:01 CDT 1999

At 08:51 PM 9/15/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>> What's wrong with PRE?  Seems like displaying code (and similar) is what
>> PRE is all about.
><PRE> does quite a bit, but it still parses the contents for HTML tags,
>which means that < > & may confuse it.  For the most part, > and & by
>themselves are okay, but < is definately right out, as it'll then chomp
>everything up to the next >.
>& can be problematic, depending on what immediately follows it.

ah-hah... So it does!  Hmm... wonder if I should go back and check any of
those dynamic pages I've created over the years with false expectations...



David Hempy
Internet Database Administrator
Kentucky Educational Television

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