LPM: Next month's meeting

Rich Bowen rbowen at rcbowen.com
Sat Jul 17 14:19:39 CDT 1999

David Hempy wrote:
> Doesn't matter to me... I'll reserve a room here at KET if you give me the
> thumbs-up, Rich.  Lacking any other volunteers, I can also do some poster
> patrol, as I'm near campus.  It will give me an excuse to stomp across
> campus again.  I can also pass word along to the Central Kentucky Computer
> Society, and hopefully we can get in a newsletter before then.

OK, well then unless we hear violent objections from the peanut gallery,
let's plan on the following:

Monday, August 9th.
Meeting place: Room at KET that David will get us directions for.
	6:00pm. Beginner talk. Topic to be decided
	6:45pm. Dinner. Pizza. Bring $5 to cover the cost.
	7:30pm. Non-Beginner level talk. Topic to be decided.

Let's try to get topics decided real soon - say, by Friday, so that we
can get some posters up around campus and various offices.

It seems to me as we make our own few circles 'round the sun
We get it backwards and our seven years go by like one 
          --Rush, 'Dog Years' (Test for Echo, 1996)

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